About Us

The English Publication of Valtorta College, THE VALTORTAN, is produced and edited by students, under the guidance of two English teachers. We aim at promoting reading and writing among students by sharing their works on this public platform.

Teacher Advisers:

                           Miss Suzanne Wong
                           Mr Bruce Mackie

Editor 2014-15: 3D Chow Chun Lai, Jason

Student editors are wanted for 2013-14!
Interested students please approach the teachers advisers.

Chairperson (2012-13):
                          5B Kan Ka Man
Chief Editors (2012-13):
                         4B Lung Hiu Fung

Editors (2012-13):      
                         3E Chau Hoi Tong
                         4F Liu Chin Wai
                         5E Yue Li Yee