Li Yuen Tung 2A
We can make new friends by chatting to someone we don’t know. We can talk about some topics that we are both interested in, for example K-pop stars, sports, favourite subjects and songs. If we have things in common we will chat more and so get to know each other better.
Also, we can suggest joining some activities together, like basketball or badminton teams, which improve our teamwork skills and let us make more friends; if we join some activity we will have more time to work together and become good friends.
Apart from chatting and joining activities together, we can also help new friends when they are in need: if they are carrying a lot of books we can offer to help them. If they don’t know how to do their homework, maybe we can help them with that.
Lastly we can study together. For example, we can teach and help each other and revise together before exams. If we know something the other doesn’t we can explain things; show them the steps to solve a problem in maths for instance. We can ask them questions to make sure they understand something.
If we use these methods, I think we can make new friends – even new best friends
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