23 October, 2012

Australian “strange” and “great” experience!

By 5D Ho Yi Lam Jane    

     Last summer I went on a summer writing course in a small town in Australia. While having a great time in Australia, I experienced something strange and creepy at night in the dormitory where I stayed.
     The great experience is that I thought I had seen a ghost…not thought, I really believed it must be true! I had seen a ghost!
     That night was a fine night. The weather was great and there was a breeze and a full moon in the sky. I saw the ghost in the dormitory. She was near a beautiful garden. She said a word to me. At first, I was too afraid so I left. I remember she said “Come and chat with me! I am not as terrible as you thought!” But at that time I felt terrified, so I didn’t step forward and look into it. I ran away.
     The next day, I went and discussed the incident with my summer course mates. They told me that in that school, there was a good teacher before but she left after she had got cancer, and had died the year before. Everyone studying in the school knew this but seldom talked about it because the principal didn’t want people to know about it.
     I thought for a while, I had met a ghost the night before. Was she that great teacher? If I really met her again, what would I say?
     After a day, I went back to my dormitory, I saw her again! I felt a bit scared. But I trusted that she might be that teacher! So I stepped forward, took a deep breath and tried to chat with her.
     “Hi! Are you Mrs. Smith?”
     “Yes! I am!” said Mrs. Smith. “You are the first person who has had enough courage to step forward and chat with me! You are lucky!”
     “I agree I am the lucky one, because I can ask you about how to improve my writing skill!” I said---After we had communicated with each other, Mrs. Smith said “Trust yourself, use your heart, you can write really well.” After she said that, she disappeared. But she left me a piece of paper. One the paper there was a story but just half finished. I thought that might be her writing, so I read it.
     The writing was a one-sided argumentative essay, about a current social issue. Her handwriting and vocabulary were great but still not finished. I thought that this was a great chance for me to try to write a one-sided argument.
     I looked for her the next night at the same place but she was not there. She left me a note. She told me to write for her and use her writing to participate in a newspaper writing competition.
     I used her half and I wrote my half. I had no confidence, since my writing was poor, but Mrs. Smith encouraged me. I remember that she had told me to trust myself and use my heart. Finally I submitted the writing to the newspaper. The result would be posted on the notice board.
     After a few weeks, I received a phone call from the “Mirror Post”. They said they wanted to invite me to have an interview with them, because my writing had won a prize!
     I immediately went back to the garden to find Mrs. Smith, but although I went every night, she didn’t appear. I went to the church to say a prayer. I hope that Mrs. Smith received my prayers.
     I want to give thanks to Mrs. Smith but there is no chance. However, although I can’t thank her, I still had a great and strange experience from this trip.

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