15 October, 2011

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

                                                                                                                                   by 6D Jennie Chan

Have you ever tried to squeeze into a shirt from a year ago, and then felt very frustrated because you can’t put it on? Have you ever tried to step on a scale, then felt a sense of incredulity after you found that you had gained 10 pounds? Chill out, you are not alone. Recent reports reveal that the overweight problems of young people in Hong Kong keep soaring to new records every year. Doubtlessly, when compared with Europeans and Americans, the mentioned problem does not seem to be such a big deal at all. Yet, overweight problems cannot be neglected even though there are countries worse than us.
The main culprit that causes youngsters to suffer from weight problems is the fast food culture. Undeniably, fast food from McDonald's, KFC and Burger King is so tasty, economical and fast that they attract a vast array of youngsters who adopt a swift-paced lifestyle. While munching up a whole bite of burger or chicken, little do they know that they are also consuming a jar of oil --- which provides a large amount of energy. Apart from that, fast food does not provide enough dietary fiber, which is essential for keeping a healthy body for diners. As days drag on, the ‘side effects’ of eating fast food emerges, that is, being overweight.
The lack of exercise is also to blame for the overweight and unfit issue. To strive for the best results, many youngsters spend nearly an entire day at their desks for revision or homework. Under these circumstances, they often sacrifice the time for exercising. “My child never studies; he only lies in front of his computer every time I see him.” Some parents might complain about their children for not studying and playing computer games endlessly. Not only does playing computer games affect youngster’s studies, but also their health. Long hours before the computer implies the time for exercising is sacrificed. As a result, the energy consumed has nowhere to be burned and is converted into fat.
Explicitly, overweight and unfit problems do no good but harm. Besides the increased chances of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, arthritis etc, they will also bring us, well, rudely, an awful appearance. I find no reason in prolonging this unpleasant issue. We have got to do something to bring a halt to this phenomenon.
First of all, I advise youngsters to set timetables. With the assistance of a timetable, we are able to use the time efficiently and effectively. Try to spare a few hours on exercising every week in the timetable. “What kind of exercise should I do then?” Anything ranging from squash, swimming, basketball, or even doing chores, as long as the time used is at least 3 hours per week. Please do not contempt the power of exercising --- it is essential to maintain a healthy body.
Second, dine out less. In an attempt to make the dishes more delicious, chefs often pour in a generous amount of oil while cooking. Furthermore, it is difficult to search for a standard healthy meal when you flip through the menu. The best solution is to pack your lunch, a healthy lunch approved by nutritionists.
Adopting a healthier lifestyle is our ultimate goal. A healthy lifestyle can prevent various sicknesses. Also, research shows that people with a healthier lifestyle are happier than the ones without. The exhilarating effect of a healthy lifestyle is more than we can imagine. So, what are you waiting for?

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